Poetry & Fiction

“Doma Grei” (short story)
Black Candies: Surveillance

“I stood down at the dock for an hour, watching the cranes, watching the men working them, silent, stoic men in heavy furs, only their eyes showing.”


“Of Course” (poetry)
Melic Review

“We were the ones
in black turtlenecks and leather jeans
chains running from nose to ear”

“Jimmy” (short story)
Bourbon Penn

“I didn't want to open the gate right by the big bag. I thought, what if it's a coffin and Jimmy's body is in there and it falls out?”


“Here you want to put your fist through glass;
want pieces of bone in traction deeper than wounds.”

“Pablo Casals’ Hands” (poetry)
3rd Muse

“Older, post-retirement pictures show a weathered grip
wielding the cello as if it had the power
to stave off rain, the Franco regime, or death.”